Sunday, May 19, 2013

Taking It All In

After a long day at company visits and with only two full days left in our hosting country, we needed a day for relaxing and bonding with the Chilean students. In the morning, we got on the bus to go to the spa/camp. In the middle of a flatness of green surrounded by mountains, we disembarked and worked our way over to the nearest pool. The autumn weather prevented us from diving in, however everyone found the a beer and an open lounge chair and it was very quiet. After a much needed nap, the group stirred for a heavy lunch of french fries, topped by a slab of beef and a fried egg. Perfect comfort food. After lunch was a lazy game of soccer pitting Chileans versus Americans. It wasn't really fair, but we put up a good fight. After the excitement, we were invited back to the house of Professor Verner from USM for a barbeque. In his back yard, there was a perfect sun set shining on the mountains. The barbeque was a Chilean classic:  churripan, similar to a sausage on a bun, kebabs of beef and chicken and pork, and piscolas, pisco and Coke, to drink. All the Chilean students seemed to enjoy the break and were showing us ways to keep themselves entertained. We said goodbye to Verner and the students after an easy day with an excited day of horseback riding to look forward the next day. I will update you on the activities after the day tomorrow.

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